Egg Debate….

Why would someone buy farm fresh eggs, that typically are more expensive, when you can get conventional eggs for less?

Well, let me just tell you!!

Years ago I actually cracked a grocery store egg and a free-roaming, farm grown egg, side by side, and the difference in the yoke color alone was enough to make me go, “Whoa!!!” Then I did a little researching and found because they are fed a varied diet of seeds/grass/bugs and exposed to lots of sunshine and exercise, they are higher in calcium, vitamin A, D and E. They have also been found to be higher in omega 3 fatty acids. This is due in part to the fact that they are able to forage for their food that is natural to a chicken compared to their cage-raised counterparts.

Two huge benefits to me with purchasing eggs from a local farm (or friends) are:

*They’re fresher

*I know the farmer (this is so important to me)

When you buy conventional eggs, oftentimes the timeframe from the hen laying the egg to you purchasing from the store can literally be weeks. Supporting your local farmer, who raises hens and sells the eggs, usually has gathered your carton of goodness within the last 3-5 days~or even the morning of delivery! You just can’t beat that!

Did you know if you don’t wash your eggs (if getting farm fresh eggs) you can safely leave them on the counter…for quite awhile? The “bloom” or protective covering on the outside of the eggs has so many benefits. In fact, Google why it is actually better to not rinse them off. Unwashed eggs will preserve the lifespan of the eggs.

Pro-tip (from my egg farmer friend)~The Float Test:

Put an egg in a bowl of water. If it floats~it’s bad. If it sinks~well then it’s good!

Happy Egg Buying,


A dz. Eggs I picked up this week from my egg farmer friend. I love the colossal spectrum of colors!


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