Welcome, Friend…

It hasn’t been overnight. More like over the past 10+ years. I haven’t always gotten it right, but I have continued to research. I haven’t ever espoused to know it all, but I am learning daily.

So, the basis of this group….this community. I love, like really love, learning new ways to naturally support my body and my family’s health. I dig in, read, gather information, and thought about how I attained my knowledge~by someone else sharing their wisdom. And, so the “pay-it-forward” continues.

I will share (consistently but not legalistically) every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.

  • Monday’s Musings

  • Wednesday’s Wisdom

  • Friday’s Facts

Sometimes it will be the same topic, spread over 3 days, and other times it will be 3 different subjects. I will do posts, videos, articles and a combination of one or two. If there is a topic you’re particularly interested in, drop it in the comments or DM me. My heart is to shed light on modalities that maybe you’ve heard of…or maybe you haven’t. My desire is that you have a perspective to learn and know you have options in your wellness. I am not giving medical advice, but rather I am hoping to help you consider all your options. If I have links or resources, I will work to include those, too. Or it may possibly be me listing the books or sites I’ve gotten the information.

Let’s get started with viewing our wellness through a divine lens!

Cheering you on,



Why Thermography