Fresh from YOUR kitchen herbs…
Summer is almost upon us, at least in my neck of the woods! This means that fresh produce either from your own garden or the farmer’s market is going to be plentiful. I am a big one to know where your food comes from (more important than ever before), as much as possible.
Last year I started drying some herbs I grew in the garden…not sure why I didn’t do this earlier! I think because I thought if I don’t have a dehydrator or a freeze dryer then my herbs wouldn’t turn out right. However, to my sweet surprise, an hour in the oven on 250* resulted in dried herbs that I used all winter and Spring (until they ran out!) I mostly use herbs in cooking, and will again utilize them in my sourdough bread (which I am going to start making again once I get my starter)! I will also be doing some herbal teas with my my harvest. In addition, we know that herbs are incredible for their medicinal properties (peek back at the two guest posts from Jamie Austin).
Here are some herbs I’ll be growing this season because i know I use them:
*Marjoram (smells lovely)
*Basil (I have 4 varieties and 9 plants!!!) I.LOVE.BASIL!!!
*Spearmint (that will be going in a pot all by itself!)
Tell me what herbs you grow, use, dry & give away!!!🌿
Cheering you on,
Noelle :)