Over the past 15+ years people have asked me if eating/planting organic really matters. And my simple answer is~yes, to the best of your ability. We are going to highlight just one herbicide to why…glyphosate.
Let’s define it, first, before explaining why you don’t want to be ingesting it from your food. Glyphosate is best known as a weed killer (think RoundUp), but it was originally patented as a metal chelator (remover) because it binds to minerals (such as calcium) to clean them out of pipes. Research indicates that this widely used toxin speeds up antibiotic resistance to disease causing bacteria, the likes of salmonella.
Glyphosate has also been found to be a hormone disruptor and cancer -causing. So, as you can imagine, with the industry I work in, clearing it from our systems is really important to me.
There are a few things you can do to help your body have a toolbox to defend against this pesticide:
1) Buy organic/know where your food is coming from
2)Take ginkgo biloba~an ancient herb found to be a powerful protector against glyphosate toxicity
3) Take quality probiotics and prebiotics~incorporate these into your wellness regimen to restore healthy gut bacteria that has been killed off by glyphosate
Be aware that even organic foods aren’t always spared from glyphosate exposure because of wind drifts. However, if they do happen to have some glyphosate it’s far less than conventional produce.
We run the risk on a daily basis to come into contact with harmful chemicals and toxins, but we can naturally and intentionally support our bodies to detox these villains, build a strong gut biome and feed a healthy immune system.